Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Crazy Dreams prego dreams

I was 5 months pregnant just before I found out what I was having when I went into Labor. Fear struck my body and tears ran down my check but there was no stopping this little one from coming. With a blink of an eye my baby girl had made her way into the world. Shock poured throughout the room full of nurses drs and family members as they handed me a perfectly healthy 7lb baby. How could this be we all questioned. The dr reaction was I must have been pregnant for months. This didn't make any sense since I had regular month visits from mother nature and my first ultrasound actually sat my due date back by 5 days. Then I woke to find my little growing belly and only two kids in the world. (prego dream during this pregnancy)

Another side effect of pregnancy are crazy dreams. Most don't even make since. Some are about your unborn baby others are completely unrelated. Some women will dream of the sex of their baby or the birth and have it be crystal clear and know that this is how it will be for them. Some have dreams about sex, cheating spouses, exes. Others have odd dreams, even nightmares. The dreams that we have in pregnancy are tainted with the worries and joys of pregnancy and the changing roles of our lives. Hormones don't always help either! I believe the above dream was my fear of having a prime or a miscarriage since I had this dream when the Dr. discovered I was bleeding a little. Yet having a full term baby was away of telling me that things are going to be okay. At least that is my interruption of it.

The oddest dream I had was when I was pregnant with my first (Trace).
My mom dad, myself, Tim and a couple of friends where walking through these tall wood doors (you know like the ones in Jurassic park when you first enter the tour). While Tim lagged behind the rest of us where about to reach the other side of the door when we heard a loud noise looked up and saw a little monkey.
His appearance of lovable squeezable monkey was just an act. He screeched out with a howl. Raised his arms and started throwing something. Everyone seemed to vanished leaving my by myself. I was talking all the heat of this little monkey. The smell was nauseating yes you guessed it this monkey was a dung throwing monkey. I was plastered when Tim finally reached the other side of the doors. I tried to warn him but he walked through it anyway. I stood waiting and nothing happened. The monkey just smiled at him and stopped throwing dung.

This dream seemed to have very little meaning at the time. However I had read that most of the time pregnant women dreamed their babies where animals most of the time when they were having little boys which what I was pregnant with at the time. It wasn't until later, after he was born the the dream actually came to be. Here I had a lovable squeezable baby boy. This too was an act. For every time I changed this little ones diaper without a fail he would poop one me. I am not talking about me holding him on my lap and he just happened to poop. He would actually have a cannon like butt and shoot it at me. I remember one time clearly I was on my bed changing him (in the middle) I heard a fart and knew what was going to happen. I tried dogging it laying back as far as I could my head now on the head board and it still got me and the head board (true story). What makes this dream even more true is the fact Trace never once pooped on Tim.

Then I have had dreams of falling off a cliff. Most can intrupet that as loosing contol. Which seems about right because being sick I have lost control of my house. And I believe the idea of having 3 kids is scary.

I of course was courious about pregnancy dreams so I hit the internet. It had some pretty helpful tips. It suggest that when you wake up and can you clearly recall what your dream was about you should try to find out the emotion that you were experiencing. Were you happy? Sad? Afraid? Then is suggest grabbing a pen and a piece of paper and write down what you remember from the dream and how you felt. Is there a reason that you might be feeling scared, upset or dissapointed? Listen to what your dreams are telling you and see if they relate to your real-life feelings, worries or concerns. I think this is something I will do the next time I dream something. I have had so many this pregnancy but most I forget.

My advice it is important not to let dreams get to you. You will only put stress on yourself. We all know that during pregnancy it is best just to relax. Try talking to someone about your dreams if you can't seem to shake you this often helps. If it is an emotion that the dream is attached to or a worry talking is probably the best thing. Also learn to laugh about the crazy dreams. A dung throwing monkey can be pretty funny especially in years to come. Thank you pregnancy hormones for keeping me entertained.

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All becasue two people fell in love

All becasue two people fell in love
My Eternal Compainion
