Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting Prego? Changing my mind everyday.

Today I just don't see it happening. I am going back to wanting to wait again. I am always up and down about the subject. But Trezy still acts so much like a baby and I just want to enjoy him at the stage he is in. When Trace was his age I was always sick. (Being prego at the time). I remember feeling that he was still a baby and although I was excited to have another I was said to realize he was no longer going to be the baby.
I am not sure how long I will or can keep Trezy the baby. He is growing so fast. But he still cuddles, sleeps in a crib and sucks his two middle fingers. lol He is so funny. And I if I really am starting to get baby hungry I have babies in my family and a soon to be nephew on the way which I can't wait for. So needless to say I don't need one right now!! lol :) Lets see what tomorrow brings lol


Anonymous said...

You and I are in the SAME situation. I keep going back and forth on wanting another baby. At first Anthony didn't want one but then I made him pray about it and he said he felt good about it. So then I was ready to try, for a few days until I changed my ming again. lol. I have the same reasons you do though, I just don't want to be sick while Kynley is in the stage she is in right now. Its SO hard to decide what to do. I finally decided that I will just leave it up to who should be in charge. So we aren't preventing it and we will see what happens. It would be fun to have our babies around the same time.

Tim and Tesha said...

Yes it would be really fun!! I decided to try in June or July a spring baby would be nice

All becasue two people fell in love

All becasue two people fell in love
My Eternal Compainion
